Does someone else say they own or have an interest in a New Jersey home, land or other real estate you believe is yours? Are you worried that someone might make such a claim? Is there an old mortgage on your property?
The purpose of a Quiet Title law suit is to allow you to compel another person or business to come forward and try to prove to a judge why they have this right or claim.
Can You Cancel an Old New Jersey Mortgage?
You can use the New Jersey Quiet Title Laws to cancel an old mortgage that is no longer able to be sued on to foreclose.
What Does Quiet Title Really Mean?
Quiet Title law suits are asking another party to “put up or shut up” or lose any possible claim or right to the real estate. It is a good way to assure that you own the land, home or other property and no one else does. This lets you sell or mortgage your property. It can give you peace of mind knowing you are the only owner.
Quiet Title cases are often brought when there is a dispute over ownership or when the real estate is to be sold, mortgaged or developed (such as by building a house on the property) but a potential claim or ownership has been or could be made. In the absence of someone actually making a clam, these problems may come up after a title search or some other search of the public records is performed.
The judges in the New Jersey Superior Court Chancery Division often preside over these cases and make the decisions. The goal is to get the Judge to issue a final judgment saying that the claiming party has no interest in the property, describe the property carefully and that you as the only the owner have all of the rights to possess, use, mortgage, rent out or sell the property.